
January 3, 2015

Can't stop walking: 1st day


I am a lazy person. Yes, I am. I got no motivation to do things. I might do it, but with little interest or passion.

But one thing I can't stop doing.


I love walking. But only if I know where I'm going of course. I feel like if I started walking, I couldn't stop.

A few days before, I went on a walking trip. Well, at first it wasn't supposed to be a five days 'walking' trip, but it turned out to be that way because of the flood.

And when I returned home, I felt like I wanna go out and just walk again.

My feet just need to move. I usually don't feel this way. Well, maybe it's because I've been spending half a year crouching in front of my laptop. But still, here where I'm living, there's not much interesting places to visit, and the public transportation is not as efficient as KL. Hmm. Now I'm missing KL already.

So now, I'm going to tell you about that five, or actually six, days of walking to various places in KL.

On the first day, hari pertama, actually sebab aku datang KL is to melawat anak Falaha, Rayyan. The aqiqah was on Sunday, but Syafiq ajak aku datang Sabtu sebab dia ada exam Ahad tu, so dia takleh datang aqiqah. So aku datang la awal sehari. From Kuantan, initially I wanted to buy bus ticket straight to Shah Alam, but I came to the terminal at 10 while ticket to Shah Alam is at 8.30am so... I guess we'll go to KL first.

So we (me and my sister) managed to buy Plusliner tickets to KL at 10, even though the clock almost struck 10. Haha last minute punya orang. Well, from Kuantan there are a lot of buses going to KL at various times, so there's no need to worry much. So kitorang pun naik bas, bertolak semua...tak sangka pulak banjir atas highway tu tengah jalan! Yes, the highway was flooded around Temerloh exit. Well, it is supposedly common for LPT highway to be flooded near the end of the year, rainy season in Malaysia, but aku yang tak biasa jalan ke KL akhir tahun ni mane la tau. Haha. 

Last last that bus got stuck in traffic for two hours I tell you! The journey which supposedly only took 3 to 4 hours (so we should arrive in KL at 2pm at most), ended us arriving at Pekeliling bus station at almost 4 o'clock! God, penatnye tambah bosan dok menunggu dalam bas tak bergerak. Fuh. Nasib baik adik aku ada, boleh aku main usik-usik. Haha aku rasa orang yang duduk seat belakang and sebelah aku tu mesti dengar je kitorang gelak-gelak.

So from Pekeliling, we took the monorail from that Titiwangsa station straight to  KL Sentral. It took almost half an hour. Arriving at KL Sentral, we quickly went to the fourth floor to pray at the musolla there. Surau tingkat 4 kat KL Sentral memang best sikit, lengang. Toilet kat situ pun lengang. So, siap solat kat situ, turun bawah ke tingkat 1 semula...carik KTM pulak untuk ke Shah Alam. At first I thought  I wanna ride bus Rapid U80 to Shah Alam, but Falaha said you need to have Touch n Go to ride the buses. Oh well. We shall ride KTM then.

We went to KTM, bought tickets to Shah Alam station...time tu dah pukul 5. Huhu. Janji ngan Syafiq nak sampai lebih kurang pukul 4.30. Nak buat macam mana, banjir punya pasal. The trip on the train from KL Sentral to Shah Alam took 45 minutes! If I took the Rapid bus...I don't know at what time would I arrive at Shah Alam. Probably longer, because of the traffic.

So, we arrived at Shah Alam KTM station in Section 19 at almost six. Pastu dok menunggu kat situ Syafiq and Majdi datang jemput...huhu penat punya pasal, aku rasa macam dah nak balik semula ke Kuantan dah. Lapar, nak tido, semua ada. Nasib baik Syafiq and Majdi sampai pukul 6 lebih, lepas tu straight pegi rumah Falaha. Haaa kat rumah Falaha apa lagi, makan la! Hehe.

Lepak kat rumah Falaha, tengok baby, lepas tu dalam pukul 7.30pm pergi masjid. Solat semua, nak dekat pukul 8.30 kitorang gerak semula. Aku ajak diorang makan, Syafiq kata nak belanja. Haha yesss! Tapi tak tau pulak nak makan kat mana. Last last pegi KL Sentral je, makan Subway kat situ.

Pergh...sedap! Haha ye la sedap, tak payah bayar! Pastu siap makan nak dekat pukul 10, went straight to KTM counter, bought tickets to Serdang. The train will arrive at 10 something, then babai kat Syafiq and Majdi, turun la kat bawah tempat menunggu. Pergi Serdang sebab ingat nak tido bilik Wan kat UPM. Nanti Nik Je ambik kat stesen Serdang. Tengok-tengok Nik Je ada sedang molek tunggu KTM nak balik Serdang jugak! Haha. Alhamdulillah. Allah jaga aku sepanjang di KL Sentral.

Bukan apa, sebab baca di FB IIUM On9, banyak rupanya kes perempuan kena ikut dengan strangers. Huhu. Lepas baca kes kes tu, cuak jugak aku. Tapi aku ada gak bawak weapon dalam handbag. Ni dia:

Haha nampak tak hujung pisau dia tu? Tajam la jugak. Aku beli masa jalan-jalan Melaka dulu. Beli kat GM Klang, harga RM13. Dia ada hujung silencer jugak, tapi aku pasang hujung pisau. Boleh buat alat mempertahankan diri.

So kitorang naik KTM, to Serdang it took less than half an hour I think. Sampai sana, naik kereta Nik, balik UPM, Timah sambut. Masuk bilik Wan, borak-borak macam zaman CFS dulu...haha. Wan cerita kisah hati dia. Wan, aku doakan ko moga ada jodoh inshaAllah hehe. Pastu tido...sebab esok, aku akan ikut diorang pergi Aqiqah anak Falaha pulak! Okay? To be continued...

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