
May 14, 2015

In the mood to cook



Menu for today is:

○Nasi putih
●(White rice)

○Patin masak tempoyak
●(Silver shark catfish/iridescent shark (scientific name: pangasius hypophthalmus) stew with fermented durian)
Lol payah nor bahasa omputih nye ^_^"

○Ayam, ikan goreng
●(Fried chicken, fish)

○Ulam (ulam raja, timun, lobak, tomato)
●(Salad: cosmos caudatus, cucumber, carrot, tomato)

○Cip kentang + ikan bilis
●(Potato chips + anchovies)

○Keropok ikan tamban
●(Fish crackers)


○Puding roti gula hangus
●(Caramel bread pudding)

○●Cappuccino ice blended

********* appetizing. Especially the patin masak tempoyak, made by yours truly ( ´ ▽ ` )οΎ‰

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