
January 7, 2010


Bismillah. Assalamualaikum.
Here are some text abbreviation being used by a alot of people i just like to share with all of you....

brb = be right back
gtg = got to go
lol/lulz = laughing out loud
ty = thank you
yw =  youre welcome
np = no problem
omg = oh my god
wth= what the hell
btw =  by the way
fyi = for your information
diy = do it yourself
nvm =  never mind
pto = please turn over (atas kertas ke ape)
wysiwyg = what you see is what you get (mksudnya ape yg die bg/tunjuk pada kita tu la itu yg kita dapat)
xoxo = hugs and kisses
jk = just kidding
k = okay
zup = what's up?
mk/mkay = "Mmmm...okay."
myob = mind your own business
asap = as soon as possible
a.k.a = also known as
asl =  age, sex (gender), location (biase org nak chatting dia akan tros tnya guna ni "asl?"
kewl = cool
r.i.p =  rest in peace (ni diorg tulis kat batu nisan utk org dah mati)
ppl = people
plz = please
ne =  any
ne1 =  anyone
lolo = lots of love

Aku terjebak dalam penggunaan abbreviations ni dgn aktifnye sejak cuti bulan 10 haritu...aku kat umah ade intenet,pastu ade sumting yg aku buat kat tenet ni (hehe)....pastu baru la aku terjebak ngn pnggunaan abbreviations niey...~nak lagi?banyak!!ade kat ^^

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