
May 26, 2011

Old School.

Bismillahirrahmanirrahim. Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

Everybody has at least a bit memory on their school life, rite?

pelajarNow that I’m in university, seriously I would say that I missed my school life. University, is nothing the same with school. Well, we have more freedom in university. We are allowed to go for outings whenever we want, we can skip classes (as long as we don’t get barred from exam), we can go eat anything we want at any cafes available. But yet, something was fun in school that couldn’t be found in university. What was it?

Some might say the time spent with friends, but you can spend a lot more time with friends in university.

Some might say teachers, but here in university you have lecturers, too. Sometimes, lecturers are even more interesting than teachers, you know.

Haha. I don’t wanna pick a fight with you guys. All of us have our own opinion.

Well, I think what make school life interesting is being ‘coached’. The rules, the orders. Being asked around to go to this programme and that programme, do this and do that. Dalam universiti mana ada semua tu. Kat universiti, program semua students yang anjurkan sendiri. To join or not to join is all that’s left for the students to choose from.

Ahh…I missed my school days, where we as students just sit back and study. The school take care of the rest, telling us to attend this, join that. And we just follow.

Well, perhaps some people don’t like school because of this factor. They hated to be told what to do. Katanya, tak ada freedom.

If that’s the case, this post might not suit you.

Back to the topic. When we think about it, somehow those programmes yang sekolah wajibkan kita untuk attend to sebenarnya merapatkan hubungan antara kawan-kawan. And that’s what made us so happy during school life, wasn’t it? I don’t know about sekolah harian, but this would probably applicable for students in hostel. Kawan-kawan yang tak satu kelas dengan kita. Kawan-kawan yang tak satu bilik/dorm dengan kita. Kat mana kita jumpa? Kat program-program yang dianjurkan pihak sekolah. Kem bina insan. Kem menghadapi peperiksaan. Perhimpunan. Pertandingan antara rumah sukan etc. etc.

All those memorable festivals and celebrations being held at school, were just unforgettable. Mana ada dah sambutan hari guru kat universiti. Sambutan merdeka, jamuan hari raya, makan beradap, hari sukan and a lot more. Semua tu free during our school life. Free means you don’t have to take out money from your wallet just to join them, and also free from you doing all the paper works, all the petty details, cumbersome works needed to be done to organize them. Argh.

Yup. University life means that you have to do all things on your own. You want something, go get it yourself. Sometimes, it makes you feel lonely and unappreciated.

Haha. Mungkin universiti life aku je yang tak interesting. Mungkin korang punya universiti life are even more bombastic than your school life. Well, what to expect from a university campus that is still under development? Tak boleh la nak organize program best-best sebab duit nak kena salur untuk bina bangunan. Dan masjid yang lagi besar dari masjid negeri tu pun tak siap-siap lagi.

Nasib baik permandangan kat sini lawa-lawa

Yeah. Our counterpart at Gombak may have all the hectic and exciting events going on in their hall of pride. And we here doesn’t even have a hall to start with. Minggu orientasi pun buat dekat lecture hall. (Kebenarannya, aku jeles dengan Gombak.)

Takpe takpe. Saya cuba bersabar ye.


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