
October 23, 2009

Cuba check...ade name korang tak?(4)

Tak abes2 lagi!
Ha' last kot!Aku nak abeskan coretan aku pasal korg2 yg aku kenal ni....
Ni boys of UIA yg aku kenal la...
 Just a brief notation about each of them...

Ni ex-Kisas..aku baru kenal die tyme masuk Uia..huhu..seorang yg sengal, smart, dan rajin studi!Hmm

Majdi Nadwan
He's a really nice guy,very deep in thought and like to express his thoughts in somewhat very unique verses which only few can understand...but he's a nice guy and love to help others...keep smiling!

Now,this is the boss of FRC.Nice guy,baik hati,susah nak marah,suke tolong orang...very ambitious and strive due all his effort to make his visions come true,dont care if it is difficult or hard,redah je...and suke argue!(kot)

He's a nice guy, too and i think he's sporting,cool and easy to work with

Hmmm...kenal2 camtu je,tp i can see that he could see his ambition very clearly and he would do all he can to make it real...when he wants it, he'll get it

Bleh kata aku tak kenal,but i know that he's the head of FSCC Nilai Campus...dgr org kate org nye easy going gak!hurmmm...i dont know

Macam suka buat lawak orgnye,tp lebih kepada provokasi (bak kata majdi)...wahaha...nice guy,nice guy

Hadi Syafiq
A very nice guy,pndai buat lawak,pndai merepek,very observant,amat peka dan sensitive to every word that people say,ceria n semangat!

a nice guy too,and muka cam garang...(hmmm) tp sbenarnye baik n mesra

Hanif M noor
Ex-Kisasian,Hmmm...he's a  nice guy,pndai berurusniaga(die presiden entrepreneur club),comited to his job,suka falsafah(ye?)

Anas Mazli
Ex-Kisasian too,sporting n mesra,and a nice guy too...muka tenang je,cool n slamber

A nice guy too...baik je orgnye,easy to work with and know his job!Good!

Slamber,brutal pon ade...wahaha...observant n pandai menilai org (yea?)...pandai Prep nTech and all that stuff

Pandai blakon! Wahaha...jadik brutal kejap ye...sporting gak and also observant...a nice guy and 'adik'...hehe
sami'na wa ato'na

A nice and sporting guy too..easy to work with...nice!Hah,tak lupa,photogenic!

A nice guy too,and muka manis...nice and sporting

Well...that's all for now...thanks to all yg sudi kenal sape diri aku nih,and i'm very2 sorry klu ape yg aku cakap tu cam salah je...well,i'm not a really good observer and korg takyah take it personally ape yg aku tulis ni...sekadar bacaan di waktu lapang...thanks again coz sudi baca...and please leave your comments...thanks!


  1. salam ,
    mcm2 karakter ..sume org bebeza tp ade uniknye trsendiri
    bilenye giliran tuan punye blog pulak?

  2. to teman yg x dikenali:
    yup..setiap orrg ade kelebihan masing2...

    giliran tuan pnya blog?tuan punya blog crite pasal org lain, org lain la yg kene crite psl tuan pnye blog..btol tak? ;) hehe

  3. salam..
    post yg menarik, cuma sblum sbut ssua2 tntg sseorg, siasat dahulu.. takut bnda 2 x betul.. ksian kt org yg di comment.. -ukhwah fillah-


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